Unleashed” by Gregg Thompson and Susanne Biro



I have been reading the book: “Unleashed” by Gregg Thompson and Susanne Biro; the book is aimed to provide tools to those that intend to coach others and through that help organizations develop people within their ranks, versus having to recruit that talent externally. However I have found a lot of aspects that are applicable for my own self coaching and also to my CRM and Social Media interests:




·         In coaching and social media: authenticity, vulnerability and empathy are critical. This is the only way connection is going to happen; I love this quote (which I repeat below): “technique without a grounding in empathy and vulnerability is sterile and artificial”

·         In coaching and leadership self esteem is critical, in social media as a business tool assurance that your product/message is worthwhile is a must.

·         Managers must earn the right to coach, and companies the right to be heard in social media.. by being authentic, being aware of their unique strengths and gifts and having a genuine interest in others.


Here a few excerpts (some paraphrased), I hope these encourage you to pick up this book and read it:


·         In the presence of a Leader Coach with high self esteem people perform better, they are motivated to take risks and approach challenges with a positive attitude. When people feel valued they bring they bring a better authentic version of themselves to their work and by doing so the motivate others to do the same.

·         Quote by Erich From: “That millions share the same forms of mental pathology does not make those people sane.”

·         David M. Noer @ “The Learning Journeys

o   “David M. Noer.  “What really matters when helping people or organizations through change and transition is not technique but authenticity, vulnerability, and empathy.  …connecting with others at the warm, messy, and unscientific level of the human spirit is a prerequisite for any methodology or process.  …technique without a grounding in empathy and vulnerability is sterile and artificial.”  (165-6)”

·         Managers must earn the right to coach; they do so by knowing and living their values (authenticity), being aware of their unique strengths and gifts (self-esteem) and having a genuine interest (noble intention)

·         How can you tell if someone has high esteem?

o   She is comfortable in her own skin, she is not boastful because she does not need to be.

o   She does not feel threatened by the successes and life paths of others, because she is focused on working toward her highest goals and dreams.

·         Self Control and Self Esteem Vary Directly: the more self esteem someone has the higher is her desire and ability to control herself; the lower self esteem the greater is his desire to control others.

·         How do we know if we are controlling? Three warning signs the book authors put forward:

o   Are you doing more than 25% of the talk?

o   Is the conversation dominated by your own brilliant insights and advice?

o   If you find yourself using sentences that always begin with “you should..”, “you really need to..

·         Principles and rules are intended to provide a thinking man with a frame of reference. Karl Von Clausewitz


Filiberto Selvas  

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