Do you “connect” with your customers? Like a good performer does?

I just came back from a concert (Luis Miguel, Seattle) and I couldn’t resist observing it as a “social experiment”, let me explain: In the few live concerts I have had the pleasure to attend I have always observed there is a moment when a “connection” happens between the performer(s) and the public; it is almost a magical moment, a moment in which there is a “synchronization” between the “waves” these two entities (performer(s) and audience) emanate and it is almost as if from that moment on it was one playing the other interchangeably.

It took Luis Miguel a good 50 minutes to reach that point; I have been in other concerts where the magical moment happens with the 1st song, I was even once in an event when it happened through the declamation of a poem that was meant as an interlude!   

The point is: there is a magical connection moment, and from that point on it becomes a bidirectional positive cycle feed between these two entities…..  Do you have such connection with your customers? Is there such a positive cycle feed among you? A connection causing each of you to feel more enriched and satisfied because of it? And having everyone going home happy? (as I came home from this concert).

I hope you are; we all should have such connections.

What do you think?

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